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Lookup numbers manually, or
integrate into your application
with our Number Lookup API

Number Portability Lookup finds the network operator of any cellular phone number and identifies disconnected, invalid, or non-mobile numbers.

Worldwide Coverage for HLR Lookups

Our service can identify phones in over 200 countries, including the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. Fast responses make our service ideal for real-time use, or for processing large batches.

Routing with Mobile Number Portability

Mobile Number Portability (MNP) lets mobile phone users port their number to other network operators. This means you can no longer use just the number prefix or exchange code to identify the mobile network.

HLR API Access for Programmers

Perform lookups and access HLR data from your own software using our API. We provide sample code in PHP, Perl, Python, Java, and Asterisk Dialplan.

HLR Query - Accurate, real-time data

Number Portability Lookup can identify the mobile operator, IMSI and MSC of mobile/cellular numbers in real-time by querying the home location register (HLR) of the operator network. This has applications in routing and security/fraud prevention.

Simple Flat Rate Pricing

No monthly minimum commitments, no pricing charts, just a simple flat price of $0.0025 per lookup with an easy pre-paid account you can manage yourself. If you have high volumes, let's talk about discounts.

[ Try our service! ] - [ How it works ]

HLR Lookup - Lookup the network carrier of any mobile telephone - improved routing means lower costs

Cleanse your database - stop wasting money sending messages and calls to disconnected numbers!

Least Cost Routing for Asterisk - easy dialplan integration with our free download for Asterisk PBX™ & © 2025 SES IP Holdings Ltd - All Rights Reserved. Service operated by Wizard Island Software LLC.